Censorship of Ivermectin as COVID Treatment

ivermectin for covid 19

June 30, 2021

Let’s have a conversation about Big Pharma’s criminal behavior in regards to the use of Ivermectin as preventative care and treatment of the COVID-19 infection. Recently, Bret Weinstein and Dr. Pierre Kory went on “The Joe Rogan Experience” to share their views and the results of an explosive meta-analysis on the efficacy of Ivermectin. 

Despite having their own platforms, these men elected to share the findings with Rogan after the Big Tech overlords demonetized their channel and threatened to de-platform them altogether. 

Why? Well, because they’re broadcasting study results that wildly differ from the assigned narrative.

The study in question comes from The American Journal of Therapeutics: “Low-certainty evidence found that ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86% (95% confidence interval 79%–91%).”

Those are pretty good figures considering the treatment is readily available, cheap, and poses little risk. In fact, the use of Ivermectin alone could pose a meaningful impact on the pandemic on a global scale, even with variants. 

On the podcast, Weinstein and Kory go on to explain that the efficacy of the treatment isn’t necessarily surprising as it’s proven to be a reliable treatment for many ailments across many countries. It’s somewhat of a “Jack-of-all-trades” medication. 

So, why is this information being censored from the public? Could it have something to do with it no longer being under a patent and therefore offering no profit for the pharmaceutical companies which live on the shoulders of politicians who directly influence policy regarding pandemic treatment and procedures? It seems highly suspicious that we are being told to disregard this highly successful prophylaxis and treatment in favor of the expensive alternative, Remdesivir, or an experimental vaccine.

Weinstein and Kroy explain that many physicians have elected to use Ivermectin both preventatively and early in treatment which has yielded promising results that typically show a sharp decrease in infections a few weeks after widespread implementation. They cited Mexico as a great model for the drug’s efficacy and questioned the censorship of the research run by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation (DAPI), Mexico’s Ministry of Health, and the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

Additionally, Ivermectin has proven useful in Asia and Africa. The pair remarked that the censorship surrounding the drug seems to be heightened in North America and Eastern Europe where policies and guidance from the WHO, NIH, and CDC appear to be “copy and pasted.” 

A study by Dhaka Medical College completed in September 2020, evaluating recovery from the virus with the combined usage of Doxyclycline and Ivermectin, showed primary outcomes for early clinical improvement to be 60% of participants observed, with 23% experiencing late clinical recovery. Secondary outcomes (which are not always important for evaluating the effect of the intervention) showed clinical deterioration and persistently positive when tested for COVID at 8.7% and 7.7%, respectively. 

Anyone with a basic understanding of who profits from what can understand the biases at work. They also shared concerns that this misinformation campaign run by politicians and corporations has not only cost lives but may also doom us to live with COVID permanently, as they’ve wasted time on vaccines and unsuccessful drugs, allowing the virus to further mutate. It should also be noted that emergency use authorization of the vaccines cannot be granted if there is a safe and effective treatment on the table. 

The revelation brings us back to the criminal behavior cited above. If physicians know and understand that Ivermectin stands to help millions of people with relatively low risks, aren’t they violating their Hippocratic Oath by refusing to acknowledge the science? 

The FDA does not recommend Ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID-19, while acknowledging lack of review into its efficacy, stating: 

“The FDA has not reviewed data to support use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or to prevent COVID-19; however, some initial research is underway. Taking a drug for an unapproved use can be very dangerous. This is true of ivermectin, too.” 

For more studies on Ivermectin or other drugs, visit clinicaltrials.gov.

American Pigeon does not recommend usage of any drug or medication without your doctor’s approval. 


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