DHS Sec: 15,000 Illegal Immigrants Not Tested; Unknown Number Released into U.S.

September 25, 2021

In June, Kamala Harris faced criticism for saying that visiting the border would be a “grand gesture,” that adds no substantial impact. In response, Jen Psaki said that the Biden Administration did not want to hear from Trump or other Republicans.

“I will say we’re not taking advice from former President Trump or most of the Republicans who are criticizing us on this, even they were all sitting there while we created this problem we walked into both at the border and with the movement of migration that has been growing over the last year.”

The way the crisis is being handled, it’s very clear that the Biden Administration is not taking advice from Republicans. The immigration crisis has worsened over the course of the year.

As of this writing, 15,000 Haitians are sleeping in make-shift camps under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that 1,400 Haitians have been returned home via Title 42, he refuses to answer how many of the immigrants are being released into the U.S.

In an interview with Wolf Blitzer, deflected from the question four times.

Mayorkas also went on to say that the Biden Administration does not refer to illegal immigrants as “illegal immigrants.” “Well, first of all, let me say, we don’t use the term ‘illegal immigrants,'” Mayorkas said. “I actually issued a policy in the Department of Homeland Security. We use the term non-citizen to respect the dignity of every individual, as a preliminary matter.”

In that interview, Mayorkas also stated that

“It’s very important, Wolf, to underscore the fact that this is not a matter of immigration policy, but rather this is a matter of public health policy. We are applying the law pursuant to an order that the Centers for Disease Control issued in light of the fact that this country and the world is in the midst of a pandemic. We are exercising that authority, as we are required to do, to protect the health and well-being of the migrants themselves, our personnel, local communities and the American public.”

However, he also stated in at a White House press conference that “we did not test that population of individuals,” referring to the 15,000 Haitians.

Criticism has surfaced over the secretary’s claim that they are treating this as a public health matter.


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