CAPITOL HILL: Democrats to Introduce Bill to Add 4 New Justices to the Supreme Court

April 15, 2021

Democrats from both the Senate and House of Representatives are reportedly preparing to introduce a piece of legislation that would add four new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, bringing the total number of justices from 9 to 13.

“The bill would add four seats to the high court, bringing the total to 13, from the current 9,” The Intercept reported. “The bill is led by House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Subcommittee chair Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), and freshman Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY). In the Senate, the bill is being championed by Democratic Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts.”

The legislation comes after the Biden administration’s creation of its Supreme Court commission just one week ago. The move also comes after Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, a liberal justice appointed to the High Court under President Bill Clinton and a registered Democrat, recently warned about the implications of packing the court, stating that the push from the political left to pack the court will only “diminish” the public’s confidence in the court and the rule of law. He said that the court’s power depends on a “trust that the court is guided by legal principle, not politics,” and that “Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed that perception, further eroding that trust.”

Even former Democrat Senator Harry Reid (NV) warned over the weekend against altering the institutional make-up of the nation’s highest court, a potential indicator of just how far left the Democratic Party has gone:

“I think it’s— we should be very, very careful in doing so. I have no problem with the commission, but I think that the commission is going to come back and disappoint a lot of people because I think they’re going to come back and say, we should just kind of leave it alone,” Reid said. “I think it would be inappropriate at this time after that long history we’ve had in the country [to] have term limits for judges. I think that we better be very, very careful in saying that we need to expand the Supreme Court. I think we better be very, very, careful.”

It would appear that even with the assurances from the Biden administration that its committee would not recommend reform measures, the Democrats seem intent on executing their agenda regardless— a move further indicative of a president who continues to be controlled by the ideologues within his own administration. 


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