Canadian Hacker Admits to Breaching GiveSendGo, Doxxing Donors

givesendgo hacked

February 16, 2022

Canadian hacker Aubrey Cottle, also known as Kirtaner, claimed in a tiktok video that he was responsible for hacking GiveSendGo that resulted in the doxxing of Freedom Convoy donors supporting the now international movement of truckers against COVID mandates and restrictions.

In an exclusive written by the independent outlet Hyphen-Report, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) reportedly contracted Cottle to target the Freedom Convoy.

“With the Freedom Convoy under pressure, CSIS uses antifa to dox and honeypot Freedom Convoy, without justification,” according to Hyphen-Report. “CSIS or The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has contracted this duty out to Aubrey Cottle, AKA “Kirtaner”, a known federal asset. Kirtaner has a self admitted history of working with various police or intelligence services, from the RCMP, to the FBI, to French “authorities”, to Interpol (not the band). Kirtaner began targeting the Freedom Convoy immediately after The Freedom Convoy assets got seized and banks froze accounts, indicating active coordination. 

Cottle also claimed to hack Parler and Gab and Truth Social, notably right wing apps.

In a file published by National Justice, are previous compiled claims and tweets by Cottle. He reportedly claimed in October 2021 that the CSIS once offered him a job.

Cottle claimed in a tiktok Friday that he will “disrupt the convoy and its income streams any way I can!” according to AM Greatness.

GiveSendGo was hacked on Sunday night. In a Youtube video posted by Cottle’s channel, he exposed the names and information of Freedom Convoy donors.

“Government and law enforcement need to consider the possibility that some of these folks may not simply be ordinary truckers who are fed up with masks and vaccine mandates,” Cottle wrote. “The data from this breach will be provided in its entirety to researchers and journalists so that the impact of foreign political interference can be better understood, and sensible, informed policy decisions can be made to defend against this growing threat.”

After the breach, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act. The act was written in 1988 and was never before used until now. It gives the Canadian government “special authority for 30 days to restrict movement, freeze financial accounts (including personal bank accounts and cyptocurrency transactions), and direct citizens to certain actions, such as the forced towing of the trucks,” according to National Review.

The new directive, called the “emergency economic measures order,” goes beyond just freezing bank accounts, according to Canada’s CBC News. “The government wants banks to stop doing business with some people altogether.”

GiveSendGo founder Jacob Wells told Fox News that those that hacked into their platform should be going to jail. “The FBI—I mean, it’s surprising that we haven’t heard from any investigative services. We will be reaching out ourselves to just see that there’s some investigation into this. This is completely unacceptable.” 


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2 Responses

  1. Hey man, would just like to thank you spreading our story around in a considerate manner. We had to deal with a lot of websites directly plagiarizing our story. You cited us well and then summed up the story in your own words which is very commendable. If only others could follow your lead!

    Thank you!

  2. GiveSendGo founder Jacob Wells deeds to understand, the IbF (read that back words) is part of the Earthly Spirit of This Age (ESTA) and its Satanic NWO mission as for told be the King of Kings and Lord of Lods Jesus the Christ in the Holy Scriptures. How do you think told them how to do this evil deed? A follower of the True LORD would have gone out and talked the Freedom Convoy members to bring their issues before the Can Parliament.

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