41% of Voters Believe Armed Citizens Best Protection Against Mass-Shootings

A protest group called "Gays Against Guns" performs in honor of victims of gun violence on June 12, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

July 18, 2022

Forty-one percent of likely voters, a sizable minority of the electorate, believe that armed citizens, rather than law enforcement, are the best protection in the event of a mass-shooting, according to a survey done by the Convention of States Action.

10.3% of respondents believe that federal agents would be the best source of protection, while 22.8% said “none of the above,” Breitbart reported. Meanwhile, 25.1% said local police would be their best bet in the event of a mass-shooting, while 41.8% find an armed citizenry the most effective.

The survey also found that 62.2% of respondents are not confident in both local and federal law enforcement’s ability to identify possible mass-shooter threats or stop a violent person from committing a mass-shooting. 26.9% say they aren’t confident whatsoever, while 37.9% say they are confident in both local and federal law enforcement to find and identify mass-shooting threats before atrocities occur.

The poll is revealing, in that it shows the varying opinions of the American electorate, many of which often go unacknowledged in the intense national debate of gun violence and gun control. The amount of respondents who believed armed citizens to be a better solution in law enforcement might also reflect a growing distrust, in both Republicans and Democrats, in the government, as well as a lack of faith in government officials’ ability to introduce viable solutions to the issue of mass-shootings in America.

The survey was conducted with a sample size of 1,078 likely general election voters between July 7th and July 10th, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percent.


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